  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Support comprehensive legislation regulating dangerous PFAS "forever chemicals"

To: Sen. Warner, Sen. Kaine

From: A constituent in Richmond, VA

August 9

I understand your concern about the harmful effects of PFAS "forever chemicals" and the need for action to prevent their risks. I urge you to support comprehensive legislation that protects public health and the environment from the dangers of these persistent pollutants. These man-made compounds are ubiquitous, contaminating our soil, air, and drinking water. Even minuscule levels pose risks like higher cancer risk, liver damage, and immune system harm according to the EPA. While some companies have phased out PFAS, stronger regulation is needed from the federal government to restrict their use and hold manufacturers accountable for contamination. Immediate action is required to safeguard current and future generations from the hazards of these "forever chemicals."

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