  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject anti-transgender provisions in appropriations bill

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2024: Rejecting Discriminatory Provisions Against the Transgender Community This appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, Science, and related agencies includes harmful provisions that discriminate against transgender individuals. It prohibits using funds to challenge narrow definitions of "sex" and "male/female" based solely on biology, denying the reality of gender identity. It also bars funds for gender-affirming medical procedures and legal action defending transgender rights against discriminatory state laws. Such measures are unacceptable and promote intolerance towards a vulnerable community. They undermine equality, contradict scientific consensus on gender, and enable discrimination under the guise of fiscal policy. This bill prioritizes an ideological agenda over protecting all citizens equally. I urge the rejection of these discriminatory riders that inflict harm on transgender Americans and their families. Appropriations bills should remain neutral on controversial social issues and focus solely on funding government operations and services accessible to all. Fair and inclusive policies deserve support instead of targeting marginalized groups.

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