  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Call for permanent ceasefire in Gaza

To: Gov. Evers, Rep. Goyke, Sen. Johnson

From: A verified voter in Milwaukee, WI

June 7

I am writing to you, asking you, to please do the right thing.  Hundreds of municipalities, nationwide, have passed resolutions, calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. I want to join them.  I want my state to be something I'm proud of.  Bombing children is not self defense. Starving a population, carpet bombing, commiting genocide are never acceptable, never justified. I'm ashamed and angry, that my country is supplying and protecting the perpetrators. Please, as a state, could we show compassion, responsibility, and leadership? If enough of us do, maybe the federal government will finally yield. Please, would you sponsor and pass, a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate, and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Let's call for humanitarian aid and aid workers to be given unfettered access, unmolested, to treat the battered, and starved population. This would make me very proud of my state, and give me hope for our country and species.

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