  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Van Hollen, Sen. Cardin, Rep. Raskin

From: A constituent in Chevy Chase, MD

July 3

Dear Senators Cardinand Van Hollen and Congressperson Raskin, I am writing again to strongly urge you to publicly call on President Biden to discontinue his campaign. The campaign's happy talk is non-sensical. They invoke the President's record and resiliency, as if the President is immune from the laws of aging. Imagine that the President had advanced Alzheimer's and was being cared for in a memory care unit. No one would claim that his past record of accomplishments would make him capable of leading the country for the next four years. President Biden is not at that point, but people understand aging. We understand the news articles about increasing incidences of forgetfulness and confusion. We recognize the President's past accomplishments but do not trust him to effectively lead the country until January, 2029, as he grows increasingly old. I wish the campaign would stop trying to tell us we don't know what we know. Please have the courage to speak out and encourage other elected leaders to do the same.

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