Do NOT ban tiktok
  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Do NOT ban tiktok

To: Sen. Klobuchar, Sen. Smith

From: A constituent in Saint Paul, MN

April 18

I am a constituent sending you this letter to tell you to vote no on the federal TikTok ban going through the senate. While security issues are important, it’s hypocritical that American based social media sites like Facebook are allowed to collect our data but apparently TikTok doing it draws a line. As for potential worries about China using the data, that reads as fearmongering an app known to be used by the younger generation for political activism and news uncensored by newspapers and channels built on propaganda. And it’s not just TikTok, the bill is so vague that any social media app deemed so could be banned, especially if like TikTok are used to inform people of real world issues. I’m not going to pretend it’s perfect, but limiting our access to information is censorship in its most blatant form. Show that you represent our right to freedom of speech in the senate.

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