  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Restore presidential accountability and protect American democracy now.

To: Sen. Romney, Rep. Curtis, Sen. Lee

From: A constituent in Lehi, UT

July 25

The Supreme Court's ruling in Trump v. United States has undermined a foundational principle of American democracy - that no one, including the president, is above the law. By granting presidents sweeping immunity from criminal prosecution for any purportedly "official" actions, the Court has cleared the way for grave abuses of power and unchecked corruption at the highest level of government. This decision contradicts common sense and represents a severe threat to the rule of law and accountability in our democratic system. It is imperative that Congress acts swiftly to overturn this disastrous ruling through a constitutional amendment, as proposed by Representative Morelle. Failure to do so would allow future presidents to commit egregious crimes with impunity, shielded from any legal consequences by the Court's misguided interpretation of executive privilege. A president could lawfully assassinate political rivals, accept bribes, or even attempt to overthrow the government through military force - an unacceptable outcome that demolishes the critical system of checks and balances central to American democracy. I urge you to support this constitutional amendment to reaffirm the fundamental tenet that no individual, regardless of position or power, stands above the law in the United States. Restoring accountability for presidents is vital to preserving the integrity of our Constitutional order and upholding the democratic ideals upon which this nation was founded. The American people expect and deserve leaders who are fully subject to the rule of law.

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