  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

There’s No Time For Diplomatic Niceties. END OUR STATE’S PARTNERSHIP WITH ISRAEL

To: Rep. Lieder, Gov. Polis, Sen. Kolker

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

August 18, 2024

I am writing to you with profound indignation regarding our state’s continued failure to hold Israel accountable for its blatant hypocrisy and war crimes. The recent report from The Intercept exposes the IDF practice of embedding themselves within civilian areas in northern Israel while simultaneously accusing Hamas of using human shields in Gaza. This double standard is not only glaringly hypocritical but also deeply immoral and unacceptable. ( The article highlights that the IDF has established outposts and operational positions within civilian areas, putting innocent lives at risk. This practice is a direct violation of international law and human rights, yet it continues unabated, shielded by the complicity of leaders like you who refuse to take meaningful action. Instead of forcefully condemning these actions and demanding accountability, your submission to the State Department’s feeble suggestion that Israel investigate its own war crimes is nothing short of a disgrace. How long will you continue to turn a blind eye to Israel’s egregious violations of human rights? Your inaction and the continued support of Israel’s military machine make you complicit in these crimes. It is time for you to recognize that by failing to hold Israel accountable, you are endorsing their use of human shields, their disregard for civilian lives, and their ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people. The hypocrisy is staggering. While Israel loudly proclaims its moral superiority and condemns Hamas for endangering civilians, it simultaneously places its own civilians in harm’s way to protect its military objectives. Your failure to address this cynical and calculated strategy is a stain on our nation’s integrity. Our state must take immediate and decisive action to hold Israel accountable. This means ending all existing partnerships with Israel and demanding an independent international investigation into Israel’s war crimes. The time for gentle suggestions and diplomatic niceties is over. It is time for the you to stand up for justice and human rights unequivocally. Your continued support for Israel’s actions makes you an accomplice to their crimes. The blood of innocent civilians, both Israeli and Palestinian, is on your hands. The world is watching, and history will judge you harshly for your complicity in these atrocities. Our state must lead by example and show the country that we will not tolerate hypocrisy and violations of human rights, regardless of who commits them. The choice is yours: will you continue to be complicit in these crimes, or will you stand up for justice and accountability? *Note: If you are one of the few elected officials that stand for the rights of Palestinians and seek to hold Israel accountable, thank you. You can count on my vote on Election Day.*

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