  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Strengthen civil liberties protections in anti-terror finance legislation

To: Rep. Rouzer, Sen. Tillis, Sen. Budd

From: A verified voter in Ocean Isle Beach, NC

November 21

This bill contains measures to support American hostages and combat terror financing, which are important objectives. However, upon careful review, there are concerning provisions that could enable overreach and lack proper oversight mechanisms. Terminating tax-exempt status for organizations deemed to provide even minimal support raises due process issues without clear definitions or appeal avenues beyond closed judicial review. While the intent is understandable, such broad authority requires robust checks and balances to prevent potential abuse and protect civil liberties. I urge revisiting this bill to strengthen transparency, accountability, and Constitutional protections before moving forward. Protecting our citizens abroad and national security should not come at the expense of our founding principles of justice and freedom.

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