  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Protect civil liberties, reconsider NC's "Unmasking Mobs" bill

To: Sen. Murdock, Gov. Cooper, Rep. Forde-Hawkins

From: A constituent in Durham, NC

May 16

The proposed bill HB 237, titled "Unmasking Mobs and Criminals," raises serious concerns about infringing on fundamental rights and disproportionately impacting vulnerable communities. While the stated intent is to prevent concealment of identities, the broad language effectively criminalizes the use of masks in public spaces, even for legitimate health reasons. This legislation fails to account for the needs of immunocompromised individuals or those with disabilities who rely on masks for protection against illnesses. I urge you to reconsider this misguided legislation and instead prioritize drafting policies that safeguard the well-being and freedoms of all North Carolinians.

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