  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Stop the Genocide. Hold Israel Accountable.

To: Rep. Craig, Sen. Smith, Sen. Klobuchar

From: A verified voter in Saint Paul Park, MN

June 28

I am tired of sending these letters concerning the continued genocide in Palestine every day. Aren't you tired of receiving them? I cannot imagine how any human being can read these letters, see the news, see this genocide live on every platform, and not do everything in their power to stop this immediately. At this point I am worried for the humanity of the staff working in your offices, for the trauma being inflicted on each person who is forced to see exactly the level of horror Israel is currently inflicting upon the Palestinian people and continue to support the Israeli state without question. I always thought I was voting on the right side of history. Now I see none of you know what that is. Please, I am begging you. Stop the genocide. Stop supporting the genocidal government of Israel. Hold everyone accountable for the innumerable war crimes committed. It is the least you can do at this point.

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