  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. DeWine, Sen. Kunze, Rep. Liston

From: A constituent in Worthington, OH

May 26

I wrote earlier that I was happy Gov. DeWine was calling for a special session to task the Ohio legislature with getting Pres. Biden on the November ballot despite the 90-day waiting period. I take it back. I have since learned that this is a “poison pill” measure, where he’s looking to tie that one good thing with a host of proposals I do NOT agree with, such as voting restrictions, and taking away the ability of trial courts to issue injunctions against laws that violate our State Constitution. This is grotesque. We should have a clean bill to address the November ballot issue, without any of this other political muck. I am disappointed in you, Governor. Please do better.

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