  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Oppose censorship, protect free speech and sex education

To: Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

SB3314 - Protecting Youth from Online Censorship and Discrimination This legislation, SB3314, poses a significant threat to free expression and access to important educational and cultural content online, particularly for LGBTQ+ individuals and communities. By requiring age verification for any material deemed "harmful to minors," it could effectively censor a wide range of valuable resources and perspectives related to sexuality, gender identity, and bodily autonomy – critical issues that impact youth. Furthermore, the vague and subjective definition of what constitutes "harmful" content raises concerns about potential discrimination and censorship of marginalized voices. Rather than restricting access to information, we should prioritize comprehensive sex education that empowers young people with accurate, inclusive knowledge. Censorship and age-gating are counterproductive solutions that obstruct healthy dialogue and understanding.

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