- United States
- Utah
- Letter
Reject HR 9495's threat to free speech, civil liberties
To: Sen. Lee, Sen. Romney
From: A verified voter in Salt Lake City, UT
December 11, 2024
The recently proposed HR 9495, titled the "Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act," contains concerning provisions that could enable the targeting of civil society organizations, including houses of worship, through an opaque and unilateral process. While its stated aim of assisting American hostages is laudable, the bill grants the Treasury Secretary sweeping powers to designate any tax-exempt entity as "terrorist supporting" without providing clear evidentiary standards or avenues for redress. This legislation poses a significant threat to the First Amendment rights of advocacy groups, nonprofits, and religious institutions by potentially revoking their tax-exempt status based on unsubstantiated allegations. The vague criteria for "terrorist supporting" could be exploited to suppress dissent, curtail freedom of speech and assembly, and disproportionately impact communities already facing discrimination. I urge you to critically examine the implications of HR 9495 on civil liberties and reject any measures that enable unchecked government overreach against lawful organizations. A robust civil society is a cornerstone of democracy, and this bill undermines that essential principle. Instead, I implore you to advocate for legislation that upholds constitutional protections while addressing legitimate security concerns through transparent and accountable processes.