An open letter to Gov. Desantis.
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Desantis

From: A verified voter in Orlando, FL

April 13

Another day another letter to put on the record that you work for the residents of Florida, not the corporations who can grease your palms. By signing HB 601 and barring citizen review boards from investigating alleged officer misconduct, you have once again made life more difficult for your constituents. Everyone, especially those in places of power, must have transparency and be held accountable for any wrongdoing. By signing this bill and hindering transparency and accountability in our “free” state of Florida, you have created the appearance of impropriety even if there is none. Residents must be able to determine if the people our tax dollars are paying are behaving in the appropriate manner.

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