  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Support Needed for Critical Military Legislation

To: Sen. Smith, Sen. Klobuchar

From: A verified voter in Angora, MN

June 28

As a dedicated service member in the United States Air Force, I am writing to you to express my support for several key legislative priorities that I believe are crucial for the well-being of our military personnel and their families. I urge you to advocate for and support the following initiatives: 1. Authorize a 15% Pay Raise for All Enlisted Personnel: Enlisted personnel form the backbone of our military, and it is essential to ensure their financial stability. A minimum 15% pay raise will help recognize their dedication and sacrifices. 2. Codify Ease of Access for Professional License Transfers Across State Lines for Military Spouses: Military spouses often face significant challenges when transferring professional licenses across state lines due to frequent relocations. Legislation to streamline this process will greatly support their career continuity and financial stability. 3. Fully Fund Childcare Assistance Fee Programs: Access to affordable childcare is vital for military families. Fully funding childcare assistance fee programs will ensure that our service members can focus on their duties without worrying about the well-being of their children. 4. Include the Major Richard Star Act: The Major Richard Star Act addresses the concurrent receipt of disability and retirement pay for combat-injured veterans. This act is essential to ensure that our veterans receive the benefits they have rightfully earned without unjust deductions. 5. Increase Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) to Keep Pace with Local Markets and Strengthen Oversight of Housing Programs: The rising cost of living in many areas necessitates an increase in BAH to ensure that military families can afford safe and adequate housing. Additionally, robust oversight of housing programs will prevent issues related to substandard living conditions. These measures will significantly enhance the quality of life for our military members and their families, acknowledging their invaluable contributions and sacrifices. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing your support for these important issues.

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