  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Restore equal justice under law, reject legal immunity ruling

To: Rep. Spanberger

From: A verified voter in Dyke, VA

July 2

The Supreme Court's recent ruling granting expansive immunity protections to the president is a deeply alarming decision that undermines the foundational principle of equal justice under the law. By effectively placing the president above legal accountability for actions taken in service of their constitutional duties, the Court has enabled a dangerous consolidation of power that threatens the integrity of our democratic system of checks and balances. This ruling emboldens any president to act with impunity, shielded from consequences for even the most egregious abuses of power. It invites the very type of unchecked executive overreach that our nation's founders sought to guard against. The American people deserve to know the full truth about the events surrounding the January 6th insurrection before heading to the polls, yet this decision obstructs the pursuit of justice and transparency. A thriving democracy hinges upon the sacred principle that no individual, regardless of position or status, stands above the rule of law. By granting the presidency a concerning degree of legal immunity, the Court has undermined this bedrock tenet and set a perilous precedent that imperils the future of our republic. Amend the constitution to reverse the SCOTUS' christofascist ruling.

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