  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

Unite behind Harris, champion democracy for historic 2024 bid

To: Sen. Cardin, Sen. Van Hollen, Rep. Trone

From: A verified voter in New Market, MD

July 21

The decision by President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris has created an unprecedented situation for the Democratic Party. As the party prepares for its convention in August, it is imperative that we unite behind Harris as the only viable path forward to challenge Donald Trump in the general election. Biden's endorsement carries significant weight, given his decisive victories in the primaries and the nearly 4,000 delegates pledged to support him. While current rules do not allow him to directly transfer these delegates, his backing will undoubtedly influence their decision-making process. Harris, as the first woman, first Black woman, and first person of South Asian descent to hold national office, represents a historic opportunity for the party and the nation. Challenging Harris's nomination would risk alienating critical voting blocs, particularly Black women, who played a crucial role in Biden's success. Any alternative candidates, such as Governors Newsom or Whitmer, would face an uphill battle in garnering sufficient support and potentially fracture the party's unity at a pivotal moment. Furthermore, Harris's nomination would allow the party to maintain control over the substantial campaign funds amassed by the Biden-Harris campaign, providing a crucial financial advantage in the upcoming election cycle. While the road ahead is uncertain, the Democratic Party must seize this opportunity to embrace Harris's candidacy and present a united front against the Republican nominee. Her nomination would not only honor the will of the primary voters but also uphold the party's values of inclusivity and representation. It is time to rally behind Harris and ensure a strong, cohesive campaign to protect American democracy.

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