  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Revise hostage act for better civil liberty protections

To: Sen. Johnson

From: A verified voter in Milwaukee, WI

November 22

The proposed Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act contains concerning provisions that could enable overreach and threaten civil liberties. Allowing the Secretary of the Treasury unilateral authority to designate organizations as "terrorist supporting" based on an overly broad definition raises serious due process concerns. This could potentially ensnare lawful organizations engaged in humanitarian or human rights advocacy. Furthermore, the proposed judicial review process lacks adequate safeguards and transparency. While supporting American hostages is a noble goal, this legislation risks infringing on constitutionally protected rights and should not be passed in its current form. I urge you to reject this bill unless revised to include stronger civil liberty protections, narrower criteria for designations, greater oversight, and a more robust judicial review process that preserves fundamental freedoms. Combating terrorism must not come at the expense of our core democratic values.

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