Sign Discharge Petition #9 for Ukraine aid
  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Sign Discharge Petition #9 for Ukraine aid

To: Rep. Pocan

From: A constituent in Middleton, WI

April 17

Please sign Rep McGovern’s U.S. House Discharge Petition #9 to allow a vote on the Ukraine aid package that has already passed the senate. Please stop allowing oligarchs and criminals to deter the will of the People. Millions of us have been begging the House for months to get funding to Ukraine *now*. Please listen and act. You may think it is an act of pacifism to avoid paying for war materials, but in this case avoidance will actively ignite deeper chaos—You cannot stop war by letting Ukraine fail. Such an outcome would simply plunge the rest of Europe (and the U.S.) into hot war. Sign Discharge Petition #9! Please!

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