  1. United States
  2. W.V.
  3. Letter

School shooting

To: Sen. Manchin, Sen. Capito, Rep. Mooney

From: A constituent in Morgantown, WV

September 5, 2024

It is long passed time to address the school shooting crisis. Enough is enough. I'm tired of kids being killed before they have a chance at life. How can we be the best country in the world if our kids keep getting killed. I would like to see more funding me used for schools to higher in house therapists and counselors. We need to address the mental health of our children. No more thoughts and prayers along. The Bible says "Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead." In essence, we are told that prayer alone is useless. Stop advocating for a useless course of action. We put you in your position to help us. Please do something.

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