Reject discriminatory bill H.4624 harming transgender youth healthcare
  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory bill H.4624 harming transgender youth healthcare

To: Sen. McElveen, Rep. Connell

From: A verified voter in Elgin, SC

May 2

The proposed bill H.4624 seeks to ban medically necessary healthcare for transgender youth in South Carolina, including puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and gender-affirming surgeries. This legislation would prevent healthcare providers from assisting these young people in accessing critical care, effectively denying them the freedom and ability to live authentically. Furthermore, it mandates that school staff disclose a student's gender identity to parents, potentially jeopardizing the safety and wellbeing of these youth before they are ready. This discriminatory measure disregards the overwhelming expert medical consensus that such gender-affirming care is vital for the health and wellbeing of transgender youth. Denying access to this medically necessary treatment can have devastating consequences, increasing risks of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among an already vulnerable population. No young person should be deprived of the care they need to survive and thrive simply because of who they are. We urge you to reject H.4624 and instead prioritize policies that affirm and support the humanity and dignity of all South Carolina's youth, including those who are transgender. Trans youth belong and deserve the same rights, protections, and access to essential healthcare as their cisgender peers. A compassionate society ensures every child can grow up whole and healthy, free from discrimination. Vote against this cruel bill that would endanger the very lives of our state's transgender children.

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