  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Ban AR-15s Now

To: Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema, Rep. Crane

From: A constituent in Flagstaff, AZ

May 10

We need to ban AR-15s. If you have any questions about why, please see the Washington Post article “Terror on Repeat: A rare look at the devastation caused by AR-15 shootings.” We live in a country where we let this happen over and over and over again — these bloody piles of bodies shredded by AR-15s in schools, places of worship, and more. Stop blaming mental illness for shootings — the real insanity is letting these shootings continue to happen when we could ban the weapon that allows the slaughter to happen so quickly, easily, and mercilessly. The next time there’s discussion or a vote about banning AR-15s, I NEED my representatives to look at the pictures in this article before making their vote. I want you to own your choices, and the choices you make for all of us.

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