  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Re: Comments to Hannity

To: Sen. Kennedy

From: A verified voter in Metairie, LA

October 8

I am writing to you in response to your ignorant and careless remarks that you made regarding the sending of tampons and other feminine care products to areas affected by Hurricane Helene. Once again you ignore women and the realities we face every day. Maybe of these people have so little left. Maybe everything got ruined. Maybe they managed to evacuate with the bare minimum. Whatever the circumstances, I can assure you that no woman wants to bleed through the little clean clothing they have. No woman wants to be worrying about blood trickling down her legs when she's trying to deal with a million other things. Whether it's a matter of comfort, embarrassment, or simply not wanting to ruin the only clothing you have, these feelings and worries are valid. Do you know how many homeless shelters are constantly asking for feminine care products? Do you know why? Because our needs are so often ignored. You have never had to go through what we go through every single month for decades. You've never had to turn to a colleague or a friend to ask if you bled through your pants. You've never realized you stained a chair cushion. You've never wadded up toilet paper just to serve as a temporary stopgap, nor have you had to worry that the blood trickles so far down your leg that your students notice, and you can't just up and go to the bathroom because you're a teacher. My cycle has never been consistent, so I've dealt with these awkward situations more than some. You and your party consistently politicize every little thing. You back a lying narcissist who is the antithesis of the Jesus you supposedly believe in. I'm, yet again, disappointed and disgusted in your actions and words. But I'm not surprised.

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