An open letter to Sen. Sinema, Sen. Kelly, Rep. Lesko.
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sinema, Sen. Kelly, Rep. Lesko

From: A verified voter in Glendale, AZ

April 30

I’m writing to ask that you OPPOSE the anti-wolf bill HR 764 that will be voted on on the House, first, tomorrow. This bill would delist grey wolves permanently, remove fair opportunities for judicial review, and mean a death sentence for wolves. It’s not anywhere near science based nor gives the public a true voice in how our greatest resources are “managed.” Under former President Trump, over two million citizens wrote in during a public.l comment period to keep wolves listed. Sadly Those voices were ignored. This is time to listen to the voices of the majority of people who want science backed, non-lethal measures out into place for true wolf management. Please oppose this disastrous bill.

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