  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Wilson, Sen. Graham, Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in New Ellenton, SC

November 20

I'm on Social Security and Medicare, both of which I paid into during my career. I depend on these services. And there are over 100,000 other South Carolinians who also depend on SS. Then there is Medicare and Medicaid. If you support your Dear Leader's picks for the cabinet that intend to reduce and damage these services, you are directly hurting a large portion of your constituents. But, do you even care? I don't think so. I don't know if the South Carolinians will understand that you had direct impact on their lives. There is a huge problem. But, you don't care as long as you keep your Dear Leader happy. When he follows the putin model and becomes a permanent fascist dictator, I hope you are happy that you helped to destroy our democracy.

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