Urgent Call for Enhanced Salary Measures for North Carolina State Workers
  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Urgent Call for Enhanced Salary Measures for North Carolina State Workers

To: Gov. Cooper, Sen. Murdock, Rep. Alston

From: A verified voter in Durham, NC

May 11

I am writing to you as a concerned resident of North Carolina, urging you to consider a crucial adjustment in the upcoming state budget. Recent reports from the legislature's Fiscal Research Division and the Office of State Budget & Management indicate that North Carolina has a $987 million revenue surplus over the next two years. It is imperative that we use this opportunity to address an urgent issue: the salaries of our state workers. State employees are the backbone of our government services, ensuring everything from public safety to health and welfare services operate smoothly. However, the current vacancy rates within our state departments, particularly in critical areas such as state prisons, hospitals, and treatment centers, paint a troubling picture. With some facilities operating with less than half the needed staff, the strain on services and the remaining employees is unsustainable. Given this backdrop, it is clear that the proposed 3% salary increase is insufficient. To prevent a further exodus of skilled workers—which would only exacerbate the inefficiencies and decline in service quality—I propose that the salary increase be adjusted upward significantly. Additionally, implementing a retention bonus could serve as a strong incentive for our valued state employees to continue their service. Investing in our state workers is not merely a budgetary decision; it is a commitment to maintaining and enhancing the quality of services that reflect the values of North Carolina. This investment will also demonstrate to current and future employees that their contributions are respected and valued, ensuring that North Carolina remains a desirable place for public service professionals. I trust that you will consider this proposal with the seriousness it warrants. Our state is at a pivotal moment where we can choose to ensure prosperity and efficiency in our government operations. I look forward to your support in making this adjustment a reality in the interest of all North Carolinians. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am eager to see how your leadership will guide our state towards a more efficient and effective future.

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