  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Booker, Rep. Van Drew, Sen. Helmy

From: A verified voter in Mays Landing, NJ

November 28

Trumps tarrifs would harm Americans, sending thousands if not millions into poverty. Manufacturers, retailers, economists, banks, etc. have been sounding the alarm over this. A trade war with China, Canada, and Mexico exacerbated by mass deportations would have devastating affects on the food supply. This is an unacceptable policy for a global superpower such as ourselves. As an elected official, you must do everything in your power to protect your constituents, and citizens. You must hurl all of your power and influence at the SCOTUS to stop this potential disaster, which will bring about poverty, starvation, and end in countless deaths. DO YOUR JOB!!

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