Support H.R. 3086 for Breast Cancer Screening Equity
  1. United States
  2. Iowa
  3. Letter

Support H.R. 3086 for Breast Cancer Screening Equity

To: Sen. Grassley, Sen. Ernst, Rep. Miller-Meeks

From: A verified voter in Fairfield, IA

April 26

The Find It Early Act (H.R. 3086) is a crucial step towards ensuring comprehensive health coverage for individuals at higher risk for breast cancer. It proposes amendments to existing acts to cover additional screening and diagnostic imaging, including mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs, without cost-sharing. This is particularly significant for women with dense breast tissue, who often require supplemental screenings. However, the financial burden can deter them from pursuing these potentially life-saving procedures. By passing this bill, we can remove this barrier and prioritize the health of our constituents over financial constraints. Therefore, it is imperative to support H.R. 3086 for its potential to save lives and promote health equity.

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