Will of the people
  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

Will of the people

To: Sen. Scott, Sen. Graham, Rep. Timmons

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

April 9

Lindsay Graham is a laughing stock to both sides of our system. Please stop bowing to Trump in the name of parry allegiance. He doesn't respect you or yo ur party and has taken the gop by force. It's his party now. Today Trump continues to poke at mr Graham and making the obvious known. He didn't put you in office. But I wish you would listen to those of us who did. Restore womens rights. Roe wade will be the end of your power of you die on this hill in the name of a Christian fascist dream. If* You are not doctors. Legalization of a plant and women's rights are not yours to call. Freedom Good sirs. I look forward to seeing another election go t o Biden because you refuse to accept the will of the people you are supposed to represent.

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