Investigate DEQ
  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Investigate DEQ

To: Sen. Foil, Rep. Davis

From: A verified voter in Baton Rouge, LA

April 18

As a former state employee, I am shocked and appalled by recent reports regarding the actions of DEQ Secretary Giacometto. These allegations suggest an egregious misuse of authority and disregard for ethical standards. The concerns raised by DEQ staff about Ms. Giacometto's leadership are serious and warrant immediate attention. I urge you to call for hearings or a thorough investigation into these matters.  It is imperative that we uphold transparency and integrity within our state departments, ensuring they operate in the best interest of the public.  An investigation would not only address these alarming accusations but also help to restore public trust in our state governance. Please let me know how you plan to address this issue. It is critical that appropriate measures are taken immediately to investigate and resolve the concerns surrounding Ms. Giacometto's leadership at DEQ.

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