  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory SB1595 denying trans healthcare

To: Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

I strongly oppose the "End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act" (SB1595). This bill would prohibit crucial medical care for transgender individuals by banning insurance coverage for gender transition procedures under Medicare and other publicly funded insurance programs that receive taxpayer dollars. It would also prevent these procedures from being performed in federally owned healthcare facilities or by federal employees. Denying access to gender-affirming care is discriminatory and harmful to the transgender community. These medical services are essential for the health and well-being of many transgender people. Transition-related care is recognized as medically necessary by leading health organizations. Blocking coverage and access to this care violates the rights of transgender individuals and compromises their ability to live authentically. I urge you to reject this discriminatory legislation that targets a vulnerable population and undermines access to vital healthcare services.

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