Oppose SB 278 (Louisiana Pregnancy and Baby Care Initiative)
  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Oppose SB 278 (Louisiana Pregnancy and Baby Care Initiative)

To: Sen. Foil, Rep. Davis

From: A verified voter in Baton Rouge, LA

April 15

I am writing to express my strong opposition to SB 278, which would replace the Alternatives to Abortion Program with the Louisiana Pregnancy and Baby Care Initiative. This new program would funnel millions of taxpayer dollars annually to anti-abortion pregnancy centers that do not provide medical services, but instead push inaccurate information and religious content. This dubious program is plagued by three serious flaws: 1) lack of oversight 2) lack of accountability, and 3) lack of reporting Each of these flaws raises significant concerns about how these funds are being used. Taxpayer money should NOT be used to promote a specific religious or ideological agenda, especially one that provides misleading information to vulnerable individuals. I urge you to oppose this seriously flawed legislation and instead focus on expanding access to comprehensive, evidence-based reproductive healthcare services for all Louisianans. Diverting public funds to unregulated, ideologically-driven organizations is a misuse of taxpayer money and does not serve the best interests of the people of Louisiana. Please vote against SB 272.

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