  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

Impeachment of Supreme Court Justices is Now Mandatory

To: Sen. Cardin, Rep. Sarbanes, Sen. Van Hollen

From: A verified voter in Severna Park, MD

July 1

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision regarding Immunity for Donald Trump, it has become abundantly clear that the Judiciary is Compromised. No citizens in the US are above the law and there should be no immunity for the acts of treason instigated and coordinated by the former President on January 6, 2021. The nation saw a gruesome attack on our democracy that day. There must be penalties for putting party over policy for the Supreme Court Justices who voted in the Majority that our President is above the law. I am asking you to file articles of impeachment for all of these justices and to carry this out as expeditiously as possible.

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