  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Bishop, Sen. Tillis, Sen. Budd

From: A verified voter in Charlotte, NC

December 11, 2024

rights as workers to organize, form unions, and bargain collectivel Lauren McFerran immediately! The NLRB’s mission is to protect our y. I’m writing as your constituent to urge you to confirm NLRB nominee At a time when workers’ rights are already under threat, we need to do everything we can to safeguard these functions–and that include are attacking its right to exist. The Board has long played a cruc s not surrendering control of the Board to the same ideologies that ial role in protecting workers’ rights and helping us hold our empl oyers accountable. rs’ rights as we’ve known them for nearly 100 years are under attac k. We need to do everything we can, right now, to preserve that. Worke reat. The bottom line: Working people need a pro-worker majority on the NLRB. Please ensure the swift confirmation of NLRB nominee Lauren McFerran! lf in court. Even OSHA’s proposed heat standard, which would provid e rest and water to workers in extreme heat conditions, is under th Corporations including Amazon, SpaceX, and Trader Joe’s are challen ging the constitutionality of the National Labor Relations Act itse

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