  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Scott, Sen. Graham, Rep. Timmons

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

June 26

t of choices. Cause its coming. You are filling no one. Not even yourselves. -From greenville sc it until you realize that you have lost long ago you've NEVER had popular vote.. for a reason. As your party gives handjobs in theaters & rapes 32 feloni Tim Scott, we are not stupid. You voted against contraception. You vote against ivf. You are a hypocrite. Lindsey Graham you are a hypocrite. I can't wa es worth of reasons to not hitch your train to the grift... you all did it anyhow. Know that. When you find yourselves out of power, out of favor, & ou Fooling*

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