An open letter to Rep. Porter, Sen. Winfield, Gov. Lamont.
  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Porter, Sen. Winfield, Gov. Lamont

From: A verified voter in New Haven, CT

May 8

I am deeply troubled by the proposal in the budget implementer that if passed will cut health coverage for tens of thousands of Connecticut low income children, seniors, and persons with disabilities (page 67-68 lines 804-866 of HB 5523). People on Medicaid especially persons with disabilities and seniors need Medicaid in order to live. This isn’t a luxury. This is literally life and death. And at a time especially where we have more than a billion dollar surplus, it is incredibly shocking that Lamont is pulling a Ron DeSantis and attacking minority groups and our state’s most vulnerable for literally no good reason. It is already incredibly hard to qualify for and receive Medicaid coverage. You either have to be within 143% of the federal poverty level (i.e.: really really poor) and have next to no assets or live in an institution. The paper application just to apply for Medicaid is over 15 pages long and is incredibly invasive. There isn’t a single person who is on Medicaid and who doesn’t need it. Governor Lamont’s proposal will literally lead to people being denied the care that they need in order to live. lf you care about our states most vulnerable and want to ensure that they can keep their healthcare, please offer an amendment to amend the budget implementator to strike out lines 804-866. Thank you

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