  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Reject S5384

To: Sen. Booker, Sen. Helmy, Rep. Sherrill

From: A constituent in Denville, NJ

November 29

The proposed bill to abolish the Department of Education would have devastating consequences for the nation's education system and access to quality education for all students. Eliminating the federal agency responsible for establishing policies and administering programs related to education from early childhood through adulthood would disrupt essential services and funding streams. Without federal oversight and resources, many states and localities would struggle to maintain educational standards, support for underserved communities, and critical initiatives like Title I funding for high-poverty schools, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act enforcement, student loan programs, and more. Dismantling the Department of Education runs counter to our shared goals of providing every child with the opportunity to learn and thrive academically. I urge you to oppose this misguided legislation that would undermine the education of millions of America's students.

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