  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

Defend nonprofits' rights and due process - Oppose H.R. 9495

To: Rep. Blumenauer

From: A verified voter in Gresham, OR

December 21, 2024

I am writing to express grave concerns about the recently passed H.R. 9495, which would give the Treasury Secretary unchecked power to unilaterally designate nonprofit organizations as "terrorist supporting" and strip them of their tax-exempt status without due process. This is an alarming overreach that threatens the constitutionally protected rights of free speech and association. Nonprofits play a vital role in our democracy, from advocating for important causes to providing essential services. Allowing the executive branch to arbitrarily revoke an organization's nonprofit status based on its own determinations, without judicial oversight or a fair opportunity for the accused organization to defend itself, sets a dangerous precedent ripe for abuse and politically motivated targeting. This bill undermines fundamental American principles of due process and could have a devastating impact on civil society organizations across the political spectrum. It risks creating a "death spiral" for groups whose nonprofit status is revoked, as they would likely lose funding sources and be stigmatized as terrorist supporters. Even the perception of being targeted could irreparably harm an organization's reputation and hinder its vital work. I urge you to stand against this unconstitutional infringement on civil liberties and work to prevent H.R. 9495 from becoming law. Our democratic values of free speech, association, and due process must be vigorously defended against such overreach by the federal government. Robust oversight and judicial protections are essential to prevent this power from being weaponized against disfavored groups and voices. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue impacting all Americans.

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