  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Cleaver

From: A verified voter in Kansas City, MO

July 16

I am writing with deep respect for President Biden's service to our nation, but also with concern regarding recent observations of his declining mental acuity. As a citizen deeply invested in our country's future, I believe it is crucial for us to have a leader who can effectively navigate the complexities of go vernance with clarity and coherence. Recent incidents have raised significant doubts about his ability to lead with the sharpness and agility required of the President of the United States. His lapses in memory and coherence during public appearances have become increasingly evident and concerning. Given these circumstances, I believe it is in the best interest of our country for him to consider stepping down from his position. A change in leadership could potentially bring renewed vigor and clarity to the Democratic party, which are essential as we face critical challenges dome stically and globally. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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