  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

Biden Might Be Our Only Chance

To: Sen. Rosen, Sen. Cortez Masto

From: A verified voter in Reno, NV

July 16

I am writing to urge you to support President Joe Biden in his bid for re-election. The stakes in the upcoming election are incredibly high, and the potential consequences of a second term for Donald Trump are alarming. President Biden has demonstrated his commitment to rebuilding and strengthening America. His leadership has been marked by efforts to improve healthcare, address climate change, and promote social justice. His administration has worked diligently to restore America's standing on the global stage and to foster unity and progress within our nation. In contrast, a second term for Donald Trump poses a significant threat to the very fabric of our democracy. His previous term was characterized by divisive rhetoric, policies that undermined key democratic institutions, and actions that exacerbated social and political tensions. Another term could further entrench these issues and lead our country down a path of instability and discord. It is crucial that we do not allow this to happen. I implore you to stand firmly behind President Biden and to work actively to ensure his re-election. Our nation's future depends on leaders who are committed to preserving our democratic values and to fostering a society that is inclusive, fair, and just. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I trust that you will consider the gravity of the situation and make the right decision for the future of our country.

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