  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Higgins, Sen. Cassidy, Sen. Kennedy

From: A constituent in Lafayette, LA

September 25

Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins' derogatory remarks about the Haitian community are reprehensible and unbecoming of an elected official. His use of racist stereotypes and offensive language to denigrate an entire nationality and ethnic group is despicable. Such xenophobic rhetoric has no place in public discourse and only serves to promote division and discrimination. I urge you to condemn Rep. Higgins' hateful comments in the strongest terms and take appropriate action to hold him accountable. Elected leaders must be held to the highest standards of respect and human dignity for all people, regardless of their background or national origin. Failure to address this incident would be an injustice and a stain on our democratic values.

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