Mike Johnson
  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Mike Johnson

To: Rep. Caraveo

From: A verified voter in Thornton, CO

April 21

With the final passing of Ukraine aid the MAGA wing of the GOP are starting to call for the ouster of Mike Johnson. After the vote to remove McCarthy, the GOP tried to place the House chaos on the Dems because they voted together for McCarthy’s removal. This time the Dems should just stand aside and let the GOP do whatever they are going to do. Dems should just vote present. Mike Johnson should never be a speaker. He was 100% behind Trump and his election lies. He is an advocate of removing LGBTQ+ rights. He is an active white Christian Nationalist who openly flies the 7 Mountain Mandate flag. Worst he absolutely wants to turn the US Constitution into a version on HIS Christian beliefs. The House Democrats should absolutely NOT support Mike Johnson if the MAGA wing of the GOP calls for his removal. The best thing you can do is vote present get some popcorn and watch.

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