  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Help Prevent, not Increase, Teen Suicide. Oppose HB 257.

To: Sen. Escamilla, Gov. Cox, Rep. Romero

From: A constituent in West Valley City, UT

January 30

I am opposed to HB 257, as I am certain you are. Understanding the suicidality rates of transgender children and teens, it is incomprehensible that anyone with any compassion or love in their heart would pass a bill so directly calculated to harm their mental health further. This seems to be addressing a nonexistent problem, in order to avoid more active and tricky issues, like air pollution, gun control, or saving the lake before this becomes a wasteland no one can live in. As a concerned and voting citizen, I sincerely hope this bill will, if not eliminated, at least be amended in such a way as to not impact transgender youth in public schools.

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