  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Support for Impeachment of Justices Thomas and Alito

To: Rep. Beatty

From: A verified voter in Columbus, OH

July 11

hemselves to. i would like to encourage you to support Rep Ocasio-Cortez' efforts to hold the errant members of the Supreme Court to a higher standard than they hold t h better about the state of the world if the House would at least try to hold the Justices to a higher standard. I know you believe civility is important, but I do not believe that the Justices in question agree with you, and it would make your constituents feel muc e acting appropriately for the position and power they hold. They hold lifetime positions, and there is no formal process for those without cases before the court to tell the Justices that we do not believe they ar Impeachment, even just an attempt, would send a very clear signal that the country does not appreciate having our trust abused in the manner they are. ed to meet. Please consider supporting your democratic collegues in their attempt to hold these lifetime appointees to a standard they apparently do not feel they ne

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