  1. United States
  2. N.H.
  3. Letter

Now is the Time for the ERA - Equal Rights Amendment

To: Sen. Shaheen, Sen. Hassan

From: A verified voter in Manchester, NH

November 6

The Equal Rights Amendment has already been properly ratified by 38 states, meeting the threshold required by Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution. It is imperative that partisan opposition and legal challenges no longer impede its adoption as the 28th Amendment. The ERA would enshrine gender equality in the Constitution, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex. It would give Congress clear authority to strengthen protections against gender-based violence, discrimination in education and the workplace, and barriers to reproductive healthcare access. Adopting the ERA would reinforce America's commitment to equality as a core value and provide a strong constitutional foundation to advance women's rights. The archivist must uphold their ministerial duty, certify the ERA's validity, and publish it in the Federal Register without further delay. Continued obstruction undermines principles of democracy and equal justice under law.

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