- United States
- Va.
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Rep. Kiggans
From: A verified voter in Virginia Beach, VA
February 27
The Republican tax plan would slash funding for vital programs like Medicaid, SNAP, and early education in order to provide massive tax breaks for billionaires and corporations. Working families should not have to foot the bill for these handouts to the ultra-wealthy. It is unacceptable to deny health care to those in need and take food away from children just so billionaires like Elon Musk can get even richer. Hardworking Americans already pay more in taxes than many billionaires, and this tax scam would only exacerbate that inequity. Representatives should reject this plan that sells out their constituents to benefit the wealthy elite. Instead, they must stand up for the working families they were elected to represent and protect essential programs that people rely on. Giving tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the most vulnerable is an egregious betrayal of the public trust.