Reconsider HB237 for the livelihood of the chronically ill and aging population
  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Reconsider HB237 for the livelihood of the chronically ill and aging population

To: Sen. Tillis, Rep. Ross, Sen. Budd

From: A constituent in Raleigh, NC

May 8

House Bill 237 will kill me and my family. We are a group of immunocompromised individuals who choose, because it is OUR individual right, to still wear high quality masks and respirators in public and/or crowded areas for our own safety. HB237 explicitly makes illegal the wearing of a mask for our own health, taking away OUR CHOICE and FREEDOM to protect our own health. Passing this bill would be a death sentence not only for my family, but the thousands living with chronic illnesses (cancer, multiple sclerosis, and even simply old age). Do what’s right for ALL people, not the politically motivated few. For the love of god and all that is holy.

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