Concerns Regarding H.R. 7356: SCHUMER Act
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Concerns Regarding H.R. 7356: SCHUMER Act

To: Rep. Castor

From: A constituent in Saint Petersburg, FL

April 19

The proposed H.R. 7356, or the SCHUMER Act, which mandates Members of Congress advocating for military support for Ukraine to serve on active duty, raises serious concerns. It appears to be an attempt to deter support for Ukraine by imposing personal risk on lawmakers, rather than a genuine effort to ensure informed decision-making. This approach could potentially undermine the democratic process and the principle of civilian control over the military. It is crucial to consider the implications of such a bill on the functioning of our democratic institutions. Therefore, it is requested to reconsider the support for this bill.

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