  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Romney, Rep. Owens, Sen. Lee

From: A constituent in Salt Lake City, UT

December 10, 2024

The Citizens United Supreme Court ruling in 2010 has had a corrosive effect on American democracy by allowing unlimited corporate spending in elections. This decision equated money with free speech, granting corporations and wealthy donors disproportionate influence over the political process. As a result, politicians are beholden to their deep-pocketed donors rather than serving the interests of ordinary citizens. The torrent of dark money unleashed by Citizens United has drowned out the voices of the people and undermined faith in government. Overturning this disastrous ruling through a constitutional amendment is crucial to restore integrity to our elections and return power to the people where it belongs in a true democracy. I urge you to prioritize overturning Citizens United and getting money out of politics.

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