- United States
- Okla.
- Letter
This bill threatens vital services for students with disabilities by stripping access to speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and counseling services through their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Forcing parents to provide these essential therapies off campus and after school hours would be an undue burden, financially and logistically. Many families simply cannot afford private therapy services or have the ability to transport their children for additional appointments outside of school. These services are not just "medical" - they are critical educational supports that allow students with disabilities to fully access their curriculum and make meaningful progress. Removing them from IEPs violates the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's mandate of a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Instead of cutting services, we should be expanding resources and support for students with special needs. Fulfilling IEP requirements is a legal obligation and moral imperative to ensure all children have equitable opportunities to learn and thrive. I urge you to reject this harmful legislation that disregards the needs of Oklahoma's most vulnerable students.